December 5, 2024
If we asked where God is right now, most would be in agreement that He is in our midst.
Where? How? Why does it look different than the past?
Those questions don’t lend themselves to simple answers. The one thing we know for sure is that God’s heart is being revealed within this community. He is active and living, and He is speaking to our hearts in fresh new ways. It makes sense, then, that a great way to grasp what He is doing within the community is to hear what He is doing within individual hearts.
The dream of this space is to capture some of the stories of our transition: from Egypt to the Wilderness, and finally to the Promised Land. From Orphans to Sons. From religion to relationship with God.
Each of you has your own journey with God, but we also are on a journey together as a family. Our hope is that sharing our own stories will break down barriers of isolation and loneliness on the voyage. Our prayer is that reading these stories will unify us, excite us, and continue to push us closer to the arms of a loving Father.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19
In celebration of the new things God is doing in our midst, we are also doing something new!
Featuring our very own community members, these stories will inspire and ignite hope, so pay close attention and follow along. This journey is not one of isolation and futility - we are heading to greater freedom and love than we have ever known.