UChurch Sunday Celebration March 22nd at 11AM


December 5, 2024

UChurch Sunday Celebration March 22nd at 11AM

Hi Everyone, 

Tomorrow’s the day! We are excited to attempt our first go at an online service and time of connection.

We know some of you may be tech experts, and some of you may be novices... no matter your experience we ask that you take a moment to read through what tomorrow is going to look like. There are a few things you may need to do before joining us online.

There will be 2 components of tomorrow’s service: A Live Message from Brant and a time of connection.

Part 1: UChurch LIVE via Facebook Livestream from 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM MST

This is your chance to hear an encouraging word. Don’t worry, you don’t need Facebook to watch this one. (instructions below)

Part 2: Community Virtual Tic-Tac via Zoom from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM MST

UChurchians love to mingle...So we thought it would be great to have a community chat set up so we can get our beloved tic-tac-time and more. You are welcome to come and go as you please. (instructions below)


Since this is our first time trying out this virtual meeting thing, perhaps a few tips and instructions might help make our experience great. If you experience any challenges, reach out to one of your techy friends!

Part 1: LIVE STREAM - Facebook

TIME: March 22nd 2020, 11:00am - 11:45am 

CLICK THIS LINK TO JOIN: https://www.facebook.com/pg/uchurchcalgary/videos/?ref=page_internal

I have Facebook: Great! You can jump on via your computer or mobile device and engage in the conversation via chat. If you are a Facebook member, we invite you to comment in the comment section. 

I don’t have Facebook: Don’t worry, you can still watch the live broadcast without having to set up an account. Just click the link above, or copy and paste it into your web browser. 

Part 2: Virtual Tic-Tac Meeting - Zoom

Time: Mar 20, 2020, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

CLICK THIS LINK TO JOIN: https://zoom.us/j/618056434

I am joining from my desktop/laptop/mobile device through the app: Great! Click the above. It will automatically connect to the meeting and you will start off muted. Please unmute yourself if you want to talk. 

I want to just phone in: Cool. You can do that too. Call: +1 587 328 1099. For the meeting, ID enter 618 056 434.  Or if you want to one-tap  (where you just have to click one thing to call in on your phone), Click this: +15873281099,,618056434# It will automatically call in and enter the passcode for you. 

Alrighty...that’s it! Remember, this is our first go so have patience with us in the process. 

Tips for a better virtual experience in Zoom (for you and the other participants)

Prepare ahead of time: Download the Zoom App (https://zoom.us/download) for your device prior to the meeting. 

One connection per household: These days we have multiple smart devices in our homes and you may be tempted to join with multiple devices. However, if your internet connection is not very fast, multiple connections might make your experience less than desirable. In addition, you may experience sound distortions as multiple microphones in one place wreak havoc during virtual meetings.

We advise you to connect using one device per household. Not only will your connection be better, the experience of connecting as a family is a lot more fun.

Large screens are better! If possible, connect your device to a large screen to your family TV or a large computer monitor to enjoy a better view of the meeting. Most laptops allow TV screens to be used as monitors, take a moment to learn if your device has such options.

Clean your camera lens: The location of cameras on mobile devices and laptops makes it easy for our fingers to touch them constantly. Make sure your camera is clean from finger marks, dust and anything else that might make your face look blurry. 

Check your volume: Sometimes higher device volume can produce noise distortions and echos in virtual meetings. Set your volume so that you can hear everyone, but not so high that your microphone is affected by the volume. 

Keep extra noise down: Since we're going to have a lot of people connecting at the same time, it's always nice when you can clearly hear the conversation. Pay attention to the noise level in your own home. If it gets a little loud and you're not directly speaking, you might consider muting your microphone until you're ready to talk. 

Your Internet Connection: Having a good internet connection makes a huge difference when it comes to watching live broadcasts and participating in virtual meetings. 

If you suspect the problem is your connection, you can test the internet connection to your device by using a tool like fast.com. Make sure you have an appropriate download and upload speed. The higher the numbers, the better your connection.

If you're using WIFI to connect your device to the internet, the location where you sit matters. if your connection speed is low, try moving closer to your WIFI router and test again. The closer you are to your router, the better your connection will be.